Creating Love and Joy in Your Life – More or Less
Most people say they want more love and joy in their lives but they are often confused on how to create these experiences. What can we do, in very practical terms, to create more love and joy in our lives?
I’d like to share some suggestions with you. Also what I will be suggesting is just the tip of the iceberg. I want you to take my suggestions and expand on them. I want you to discuss them with your partner, your family, your coworkers and your kids so you can tailor fit them to your own life. I want this article to be a spring board, a beginning of you knowing how to transform your life.
There are five basic areas in our lives: physical, emotional, mental, activities and spiritual, which in a way can be considered our own little worlds. I want you to look at what we can do “more” of and what we can do “less” of in these basic areas of our lives to create the love and joy we are all starving for
Okay, let’s get started.
In my physical world I want less socks with holes in them. I want less dirty dishes in the sink. I want less stuff in my car trunk. I want less junk mail. I want less unread books. I want less clutter in my living room. I want less junk in my junk drawer. I want less bills. I want less sugar. I want less junk food. I want less “do do” in my life. So what do you want less of in your physical world? Write it down.
In my physical world, I want more playtime. I want more money. I want more organization. I want more savings. I want more space. I want more naps. I want more healthy food. I want more flowers. I want more fresh air. I want more trees. I want more silly hats. I want more rest. I want more touching. What do you want more of in your physical world? Write it down.
In my emotional world I want less bitching. I want less anger. I want less sadness. I want less fear. I want less worry. I want less resentment. I want less victimization. I want less hurt. I want less anxiety. I want less confusion. I want less depression. I want less spacyness. What do you want less of in your emotional world? Write it down.
In my emotional world, I want more laughter. I want more joy. I want more love. I want more clarity. I want more peace. I want more compassion. I want more affection. I want more caring. I want more excitement. I want more ease. I want more satisfaction. What do you want more of in your emotional world? Write it down.
In my mental world I want less mind chatter. I want less obsessive thoughts. I want less plotting against. I want less scattered thoughts. I want fewer visions of doom and gloom. I want less thinking of the past. I want less thinking of the future. I want fewer things to think about. I want less negative self-talk. What do you want less of in the mental world? Write it down.
In my mental world, I want more clarity. I want more focus. I want more creative imagining. I want more wonderful visions. I want more thoughts of the now. I want more mental stimulation. I want more learning. I want more clear direction. I want more sharing. I want more discerning thoughts. I want more control of my thoughts. I want more positive self-talk. I want more expansive thoughts. What do you want more of your mental world? Write it down.
In my activity world I want fewer things to complete. I want fewer things to fix. I want less nonsensical activities. I want less bill paying. I want less addictive behavior. I want less food shopping. I want less filling up my gas tank. I want less dumb activities. I want less responsibility. I want less mindless T.V. What activities do you want to do less of in your activities world? Write them down.
In my activities world, I want more playing. I want more time for intimacy. I want to travel more. I want to kiss and hug more. I want more family time. I want to walk more. I want to giggle with friends more. I want more self nurturing time. I want to garden more. I want to compost more. I want to hike in nature more. I want more meals with loved ones. I want more trips to the woods. I want more swimming. I want more dancing. I want to play more music. I want more creative activities. I want to play and watch more sports. I want more reading time. I want more time off the clock. What activities do you want more of in your activities world? Write them down.
In my spiritual world I want fewer judgments of myself and others. I want less guilt. I want less shame. I want less doubt. I want less attachment to physical outcomes. I want fewer distractions. I want less separation. I want less betrayal. What do you want less in the spiritual world? Write it down.
In my spiritual world, I want more compassion. I want more loving. I want more understanding. I want more knowing. I want more wisdom. I want more connection with all that is. I want more trust. I want more Light. I want more blessings. I want more grace. I want more peace. I want more meditation time. I want more expansion. I want more observation. I want more acceptance. I want more knowing. I want more oneness. I want more bliss. What spiritual experiences do you want more of? Write them down.
If you haven’t already, write down what you want “more” of and “less” of in your life in these five areas. If you’re not sure which area an item belongs in, just create another area that you feel is missing. It’s your world so there’s not right or wrong answer.
The idea here is to brain storm. You don’t have to do everything right now, so feel free to dream and write down those things that you dream about. Have fun with this. This is a process that can help you create more love and joy in you life. Enjoy the experience. Let yourself dream. It’s by dreaming outside the bubble, or our comfort zone, that we create the space for transformation. You have permission to create more love, joy, health and happiness in your life. If for some reason you feel you don’t then take a deep breath and give yourself permission to do so. Then take an action step and feel the exhilaration of expanding into who you truly are living a joy-filled life.