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Friday, January 30th, 2009

“If you want to affect change in your life, drive home on a different road, and put your clothes on in a different order. You will begin to see new and different things.”

We often look at our life and feel disappointed in what we are doing, the way our body looks, or the feeling of lack because we don’t have a relationship, or the feeling stuck because of the relationship we are in feels like stale popcorn.  We say we want our life to be different but we don’t know what to change or how to change.  We get discouraged and confused, so then we do nothing.  We keep doing the same thing over and over again, and the results of our life is unfulfilling, and we start saying to ourslves, “I think I want to go to sleep, or eat something, or drink something or watch something on the tube.”  What to do?

Get out of bed on the other side.  Brush your teeth before you wash your face.  Put on your left shoe before you put on your right shoe.  Make your bed.  Sit on the floor instead of the couch.  Put your car keys in your left pocket.  Drive to work the long way.  Eat lunch in a different place.  Buy your groceries in a different store.  Walk around the block.  Leave your mobile phone at home.  Go to the gym.  Drink your coffee black.  Smile when you drive.  Say “Hi” to people in the elevator, in the hallway or on the street.  Sing a song.  Take a long deep breath.  Laugh at your mistakes.  Give three people words of appreciation.  Tell your self you did a great job.  Write a “thank you” note to someone.  Drive home the scenic route.  Park your car differently.  Eat your dessert first.  Put on your pajamas differently.  Crawl into bed from the bottom.  Review your day with a smile on your face.  Say, “ (your name) I am loving you, I am loving you (your name).  Go to sleep and tomorrow.  Do it differently again!

If we start doing small things differently, we begin to see our life from a different point of view.  We begin to break out of our rut or comfort zone.  We become more aware, because things around us look different. In the new awareness we can ask if what we are doing is giving us the results we want.  If we find joy and excitement in the small things we do everyday, we will be establishing a new history.  Our life will begin to change.  In time, those old problems will become something we obsessed on back there somewhere in time.  Change is present.


Saturday, January 24th, 2009

Your breath is a wonderful tool you can use to center yourself.  Experiment and breathe in to the count of six, and breathe out to the count of three.  Stop reading and breathe like this for one minute. . . 

Notice what you are feeling.  What is different?  Look around the area that you are in.  How have the colors changed?  What is going on in your body?  Do you feel a little light-headed?  How long does the light-headed feeling last?  Are you aware of any new aches or pains in your body?  Did any aches or pains disappear?  What are your thoughts?  Are there more thoughts or less?  Okay.  Do it again.  Breathe in to the count of six and out to the count of three for another minute. . .

Notice what you are feeling.  You are more centered now then you were two minutes ago.  Nice.

Besides centering and quieting yourself you can also build your self-esteem by breathing.  As you are breathing as indicated above, visualize someone you love and respect in a chair facing you.  See the two of you breathing together in a gentle, loving rhythm.  Now, visualize yourself setting in a chair facing you and give yourself the same love and respect.  Do this for a minute. If you find yourself drifting off, don’t be concerned.  Just refocus and breathe in to the count of six and out to the count of three. . .  Enjoy breathing you.

Give yourself permission to make errors

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

“We all make errors. It is part of the human condition and part of growing. Give yourself permission to make errors. An error becomes a mistake when you had a chance to correct it and you didn’t.”

This is the beginning of 2009.  What a wonderful time to let go of the past and to begin again with a fresh slate.  Did you make any errors last year?  I hope so.  That might sound strange, but if you didn’t make any errors, that means you didn’t do anything new.  That means you didn’t risk.  That means you didn’t grow or expand your life.  Anytime we do something new, we make errors.  It is part of the process of growth.  It is part of life.  We are not supposed to be perfect.  Perfect means there is no change necessary or possible.  No change means death.  Let’s be alive.  Let’s grow and expand into who we truly are – into who we dream to be.  Let’s risk.  Let’s do things we have never done before.  Let’s make lots of errors this year.  If what you are doing, isn’t giving you the results you want, then do something else and keep doing diferently until you get the results you want.  Give yourself permission to make errors.  Think about what you have learned from the error, smile, take a breathe, take another step and expand into the life you are creating.


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